ERR RedisGraph module is currently replicating

I get the error on the subject line when I attempt to run the sample python code for RedisGraph module redisgraph-py. I get the same error when I run a node creation command from the redis-cli command line> GRAPH.QUERY social “CREATE (:Person {‘name’: ‘John Doe’, ‘age’: 33, ‘gender’: ‘male’, ‘status’: ‘single’ } )”
(error) ERR RedisGraph module is currently replicating

The configuration:
save “”
appendonly no
protected-mode no
dir /usr/share/gdb/dat/
dbfilename vrbgdb.grd
loglevel warning
logfile /usr/share/gdb/log/vrbgdb.log
loadmodule /usr/share/gdb/cfg/

A snippet from the log file:
16:C 31 Dec 2020 10:37:23.835 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo
16:C 31 Dec 2020 10:37:23.835 # Redis version=6.0.9, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=16, just started
16:C 31 Dec 2020 10:37:23.835 # Configuration loaded
16:M 31 Dec 2020 10:37:23.837 # Not listening to IPv6: unsupported
16:M 31 Dec 2020 10:37:23.837 * Running mode=standalone, port=6379.
16:M 31 Dec 2020 10:37:23.837 # Server initialized
16:M 31 Dec 2020 10:37:23.837 # WARNING overcommit_memory is set to 0! Background save may fail under low memory condition. To fix this issue add ‘vm.overcommit_memory = 1’ to /etc/sysctl.conf and then reboot or run the command ‘sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1’ for this to take effect.
16:M 31 Dec 2020 10:37:23.841 * Graph deletion will be done asynchronously.
16:M 31 Dec 2020 10:37:23.841 * Thread pool created, using 8 threads.
16:M 31 Dec 2020 10:37:23.841 * Maximum number of OpenMP threads set to 8
16:M 31 Dec 2020 10:37:23.841 * Module ‘graph’ loaded from /usr/share/gdb/cfg/
16:M 31 Dec 2020 10:37:23.841 * Loading RDB produced by version 6.0.9
16:M 31 Dec 2020 10:37:23.841 * RDB age 4103 seconds
16:M 31 Dec 2020 10:37:23.841 * RDB memory usage when created 4.28 Mb
16:M 31 Dec 2020 10:37:23.842 * Done decoding graph social
16:M 31 Dec 2020 10:37:23.842 * Done decoding graph tst
16:M 31 Dec 2020 10:37:23.842 * Done decoding graph tst
16:M 31 Dec 2020 10:37:23.842 * DB loaded from disk: 0.000 seconds
16:M 31 Dec 2020 10:37:23.842 * Ready to accept connections
root@grd:~# ls -lia
total 40

Any and all help will be deeply appreciated.

Hi @sea, is it possible that your redis is clustered?
The message your seeing indicates that one of your graphs is currently being constructed, either from RDB or via the replication link.

Thanks @SWilly22 for your quick response. How would I check if Redis is clustered? I have not set it up explicitly.
I did try specifying “SLAVEOF NO ONE” at the redis-cli command line. And that did not help with removing the error message?

@sea if you haven’t setup a cluster then it is most likely that you’re not running within one,
Would you mind sharing your RDB file so I can see if I can re-create the issue on my end?

Here you are @SWilly22. Thanks so much.
vrbgdb.grd - Google Drive

Got it, thanks!
-rw-r–r--@ 1 552B Dec 31 16:21 vrbgdb.grd

Without trying to load it, 552 bytes worth of data seems a bit too small, is it possible that the RDB got corrupted?

The scenario was to try out the RedisGraph module so there’s not much data in there.
The scenario:

  1. Start redis+RedisGraph (dockerized- custom docker)
  2. Run the redisgraph python sample to create a node, edge
  3. Stop redis
  4. Start redis+RedisGraph (docker)
  5. Run the query and encounter the ‘currently replicating’ consistently.

I do hope that this helps. Are you able to access this data?
Redis on its own works like a charm-- as in set abc 1

@SWilly22, if it is of interest, here is the dockerfile

This was fixed with the following changes:
config file:
databases 1
dir /usr/share/gdb/dat/
dbfilename vrbgdb.rdb
loglevel notice
logfile /usr/share/gdb/log/vrbgdb.log
protected-mode no

run command:
/usr/local/bin/redis-server /usr/share/gdb/cfg/gdb.conf --loadmodule /usr/share/gdb/cfg/

Amongst other changes, I think what worked was moving the loadmodule to the command line from the config file.

Thanks for the help.

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