Redisgraph master slave cluster with AOF and RDB

I have created the below docker-compose for read-write balancing.
I’m planning to write only to the master and read only from the slave.
The question is, how do you suggest to config the RDB and AOF?
I have a lot of data, loading from AOF is a no-go.
So in a cluster, what is the best practice to config the AOF for and RDB for fast loading and high integrity.



appendonly yes
slave-read-only no
slaveof redis-master 6379


appendonly yes
slave-read-only no


version: '3.3'
      container_name: redis-master
      image: redislabs/redisgraph:edge
        - "6370:6379"
        - ./conf:/usr/local/etc/redis/
      command: ["redis-server", "/usr/local/etc/redis/redis-master.conf", "--loadmodule" ,"/usr/lib/redis/modules/", ]
      container_name: redis-slave
      image: redislabs/redisgraph:edge
      command: ["redis-server",  "/usr/local/etc/redis/redis-slave.conf", "--loadmodule" ,"/usr/lib/redis/modules/"]
        - "6371:6378"
        - ./conf:/usr/local/etc/redis/

I’m not sure I follow, do you want to use a combination of AOF and RDB, e.g. AOF for the primary and RDB for the replica?

Not exactly.
I want to try and enjoy both worlds.
RDF for fast loading and AOF in case of disaster.
So on every normal restart, I will load from the RDB, and in case of problems/disaster with the data I will load from the AOF manually…


You will find the settings you need in the redis.conf template in the source top-level directory, at lines 339 and 362 (redis version 6.x).

# The filename where to dump the DB
dbfilename dump.rdb

# The working directory
dir ./

as you can see, defaults are provided for both settings

so just change the first of these two lines (339 to identify your rdb file and in the second (362) substitute the default “./” for the actual file path for your snapshot rdb file; save the redis.conf with your changes, and start redis passing in this new conf file